The Benefits.
For the Developer.
Alchemy Moon is set up with the developer and performer in mind. There will be a developers area formed on the Moon. Membership will be by invite only. Members will only be invited on a unanimous vote by the existing members. Membership numbers will be kept very low - to ensure confidentiality and to form an intimate, secure space.
This area will develop according to the needs of it's members. However here are some of the potential benefits.
1. The Creators Forum (closed membership)
• Somewhere where you can discuss with a close network of fellow creators. Kick ideas around and develop new concepts.
• Somewhere to playtest, refine and develop products (all work developed in these discussions will remain the sole property of the originator, regardless of the input from other Moon members).
• Somewhere to contribute and help other creators.
• Somewhere to pool resources, skills exchange and networking.
• The development of a library of resources, concepts and ideas.
• Many other benefits, for example free advertising for all members.
2. The Inner Forum (membership by invite from the above group - and for people who have bought products from the above group).
• Opportunity to develop ideas in a broader forum of professional and semi-professional mystery performers.
• Opportunity to promote your work.
• Opportunity to intelligently discuss your work with your 'clients'.
• Use the forums to discuss and develop particular routines further. This adds value to your work and may develop into supplements and additional product.
3. The Outer Forum (open to all who sign up).
• Discuss freely and without intellectual censorship.
• Be part of a positive community that outlaws bickering and stupidity.
Alchemy Moon is aimed at gathering intelligent people together, to take the art to new levels.